Thursday, 21 July 2011

IKEWH!: Heartstrings Ep 3.

The episode starts at the club where we hear more of Stupid's acoustic set. We also see more of HorseFace's drug-induced flashbacks.

Afterwards Derp tells Horseface about her failure to fool his professor. He casually implies that there may be punishment in her future.
To finish his evening, HorseFace stalks Ballerina some more.

Seriously guys, no more posters for you.

The next day at university the student population is loosing their shit again.

Mr Broadway has convinced the university to create a new Musical. At a meeting discussing their new endevour, Mr Broadway spends 90% of the time saying mean things about Ballerina. It gets so bad that Sweetcheeks asks him to step outside. He proceeds to tell him that if he doesn't cut it out, he'll do to Mr Broadway what he did to the Captain.
There's a reason why he can't walk you know.

How the hell did you two get into university in the first place?

As punishment for trying to deceive him yesterday, HorseFace's professor made Derp and HorseFace write essays about why attending class is important.
Unfortunately both of them are gormless and both essays devolved into rants about the other person's faults.

Seeing as they are too stupid for written assignments, the professor sends them to clean out the costume store-room.
A costume store-room. In a Korean Drama. I would show you the montage but if you've seen one kdrama costume montage, you've seen them all.

Eventually Derp falls over, the lights go out, they blindly end up with their faces really close together and then the lights come back on. This is leading to a kissing scene right?


HorseFace has to go to band practice now but the tyres on his bike are flat. The Butt-monkey better go get that fixed.

On the way to the bike shop, Derp runs into Lucy who is amazed that Derp doesn't seem to know who she is. Apparently Lucy is a Person of Importance.

She's at least as important as this restaurant chain.

Who's spreading these rumors anyway?

Mr Broadway has come to the club to try to convince HorseFace to audition but HorseFace has heard some strange rumors about Mr Broadway so he declines. Derp is thinking about auditioning though.

Girl Power or whatever!

After her secret nightly phone call to her father, Derp practices her instrument and decides to tell her band that they are going to audition.

Five days from Audition Day Mr Broadway talks to Sweetcheeks. He has an actor in mind for the male lead and wants Sweet cheeks opinion. Sweetcheeks is very much against asking this person to audition.

We cut to a rival university where Handsome Guy and Mr Broadway have come to see a student. It's the guy they want to have for the main role!
No way! It's Handsome Guy's half-brother who is also Sweetcheek's lovechild!
And possibly HorseFace's uncle.

Love Child doesn't want to audition and gets very angry when pressured to do so.
Me Broadway can't understand why anyone wouldn't want to be in a Musical so Handsome Guy has to explain that sometimes, other people have emotions and desires seperate from Mr Broadway's own.
Some people actually think you're a pervert too.

At first Mr Broadway is confused and saddened by this new information but then he remembers that his choice for the female lead is a lot like him. He feels better.

Speaking of overconfident show-offs, Lucy is dancing again. Worms has bought some new clothes and a scooter in an attempt to impress her. She agrees to let him take her home but they get caught in a downpour. By the time they get to Lucy's house she's soaking wet and is starting to become ill.
This is my angry face.

Sure enough, by the next day Lucy is so sick that her stage-mother must take her to the hospital. Could this be.... a miscarriage?!

Now that it's Audition Day, Mr Broadway sends Handsome Guy out to find Love Child and bring him back using any means necessary.
"Are we really going to a strip club?"
"Yeah, we really are."

Worms has decided to go cheer on Lucy at the audition, not knowing that she is in the hospital, internally bleeding while HorseFace's unborn baby ceases to be. Logically his presence sparks an all-singing, all-dancing montage.
This is the only good part.

After the montage Love Child and Handsome Guy arrive. With his razor-sharp mental abilities, Love Child deduces that he has been decieved.
"This isn't a strip club at all!"

Sweetcheeks demands that he leave and asks Derp and Co. to perform. Mr Broadway tell LoveChild to stay.
A first it looks like LoveChild is going to storm out but the music being played by Derp and associates gives him the urge to sing. He can't fight the music.
He can't fight the moonlight either but that's a story for another day.

The judges are impressed by LoveChild's singing chops.

"Okay, now I'll take you to a strip club for real."

So it looks like Derp's band and LoveChild are going to be in the Musical. As Lucy didn't show up, her archrival; Angry Cow, is the shoe-in for the female Lead.
I'm special now.

This totally pisses off Worms who demands that Lucy should be allowed to audition the next day. At first it looks like she's out of luck but then Worms organizes a surprise concert under a bridge so Lucy gets a chance to show off her singing too.

The next day the official results are posted, letting people know if they are in the main cast or if they are understudies. Angry Cow is less than amused to find out that she is second-string.

The band heads out to see who made it through. Worms is very happy to see Lucy but she berates him for wearing crappy clothes.
Someone else is starting to have feelings for Worms too.

When Ballerina and Mr Broadway arrive, Derp starts to notice HorseFace's feelings for the former and his hatred of the latter.
Is it because of the whole 'pervert' thing?

Best Onscreen Chemistry: LoveChild and Handsome Guy.
Worst Onscreen Chemistry: Horseface and everyone.
Most World Weary: The Professor.
I hate all of you.

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